Preschool (PK-3 and PK-4)
Three-and-four-year-old students will be taught how to approach learning while being introduced to eight different areas of study – creative arts, health/mental wellness, language and early literacy, mathematics, physical education, science, social studies, and technology. They will actively engage in enriching experiences that develop both independent thinking and collaborative learning. Preschoolers will discover how to listen and respond to their teachers and classmates and “demonstrate early literacy skills that are foundational for the reading process and writing process” (“Kentucky Early Childhood Standards”). These early learners will count and recognize quantities within a set or group. They will also identify numbers, shapes, and patterns. Preschoolers will enhance their gross and fine motor skills through physical play and environmental exploration. They will “understand roles and relationships within families and the community” as well (“Kentucky Early Childhood Standards”). Overall, three-and-four-year-old students will be given the building blocks of learning through Christ-centered curriculum.
Three-and-four-year-old students will be given the building blocks of learning through Christ-centered curriculum.