8349 Eagle Way Bypass
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Phone: 270-885-2417
Jennifer Blanchard
Admissions Coordinator
Our Admission Coordinator is Jennifer Blanchard. She can be reached via email at admissions@hcahopkinsville.org or by telephone at 270-885-2417. Click on a link below to download required paperwork.
Additional Forms
Current HCA Students STOP!
Contact Loretta Crisp for your application.
Her address is: l.crisp@hcahopkinsville.org
Enrollment Update: PreK3, 4th grade, and 10th grade are full
for the 2024-2025 school year.
New students applying for these grade levels will be placed on a waiting list.
Please contact Jennifer Blanchard at j.blanchard@hcahopkinsville.org for additional information.